Sanctuary Hostel
Building a World Where All Creatures Live in Harmony
The Problem
Roughly 70% of Mexico’s 18 million dogs are abandoned and become strays, making it the worst case for pet abandonment in Latin America
Our Solution
Our goal is to tackle the stray animal problem at the source and provide a long-term solution with a self-sufficient model
An Eco-Travel Hostel
Our hostel raises awareness and helps fund nonprofit operations
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Animal Rescue
Our all-animals shelter and rescue operations not only get animals into good homes, but also provides free education to adopters and the community
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Community Garden
This common area provides healthy food and educational opportunities for hostel guests, the animal shelter and the surrounding community
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One Community Project:
Four Area of Focus

Sanctuary Hostel is a 501c3 nonprofit with a mission to educate people on animal welfare to reduce stray animals on the streets. We achieve our mission by following our four pillars of focus

Our Services

Eco Hostel

To raise awareness of the problem and financially support the nonprofit.

Animal Rescue

Help with the animal rescue in Mexico to rehab, re-home and teach everyone compassion toward animals.

Community Garden

A community garden to have a shared space that can provide for the community.

Education Center

To provide free classes on animal communication, training and sustainability
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The Vision

We believe that animals and humans can co-exist in harmony and support each other for companionship and security within the natural environment

We will do this by combining our animal rescue in Mexico with our eco-hostel and community garden. That way we can all learn and work together

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The Mission

To create a self-sustained eco-friendly sanctuary where humans, dogs, cats and any other animals in Mexico can live in peace.

Our animal rescue in Mexico will be combined with a hostel. So you can stay with us and volunteer with the animal rescue. You’ll learn about animals so enriching both your lives.

The Problem

Roughly 70% of Mexico’s 18 million dogs are abandoned and become strays, making it the worst case for pet abandonment in Latin America(1).

Animals are treated more like property than pets, and are often mistreated whether living in a home or on the street(2).

Most attempts to rescue animals often only act as a band aid, not addressing the root of this problem.

Additionally, many animal rescue operations close due to lack of long-term ongoing donations, returning animals back onto the street.

The solution

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Our goal is to tackle the stray animal problem at the source and provide a long-term solution with a self-sufficient model. We plan to do this by:

• Encouraging demonstrating animal compassion to young students and surrounding communities

• Training people to better communicate with animals for a happier co-existence

• Setting up an environmentally friendly hostel and community garden to help fund the rescue, provide positive exposures for animals and people and facilitate adoptions and free educational classes

Creating Awarness

Thank You To All Our Supporters

None of this would be possible without our incredible partners and supporters! Thank you for your continued support of our incredible mission.

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Signarama Downtown San Diego
Donna Jean San Diego
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Kroger and Ralphs
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Santuario Esperanza
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Coge Coin
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Haus Legal
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Foster Fail Rescue Dogs
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Alex and Richa Sonifrank
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Lion Pets Salon
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Digital Ocean
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The Binky Foundation First Steps Grant
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4Imprint onebyone Grant


Thank you to everyone who has supported us to further our mission! And thank you to those who have signed up on Kroger/Ralphs or as they donate a % of proceeds on your behalf!

Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
Ace M.
Ahmed M.
America T.
Andrea V.
Anne D.
Brandi T.
Federica R.
Gabby L.
Jack W.
Jake R.
Jamie D.
Jenny V.
Jessica G.
Jeff R.
Jordan G.
Jose M.
Juan C.
Julie R.
Kathie N.
Laura A.
Lynne W.
Maria V.
Michael T.
Michelle M.
Mikaila T.
Nestor R.
Nicole D.R.
Nubia S.
Paul M.
Peyton M.
Pilar W.
Reid U.
Rose C.
Sara L.
Shania C.
Shannon F.
Sherry B.
Vanessa V.
Whitney G.

Lovely Stories


Snickers was found in the trash as a young puppy, but after being adopted is a happy and healthy pup!

As Snicker, there are many lovely stories of dogs that had been rescued from the streets and found and a family who love them and take care of them.


Rosie was found running in traffic in TJ, almost got hit by several cars! Picked her up and took her to the vet and got her healthy. She was adopted by a wonderful lady in North County in San Diego. Rossi learned to ring a doorbell whenever she needs to outside, gets to jump on the trampoline and takes road trips to Arizona to visit her new mama's family. She is one lucky pup!
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Upcoming Events

Volunteer Eco-Wall and Community Garden Build

We’re planning to break ground soon in Rosarito, and we need volunteers to help on our build days! Apply here if you are interested in helping us build the wall and community garden.

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