Join Us
- Basic Guidelines For Volunteers
- Dog Volunteer Opportunities
- Cat Volunteer Opportunitues
Basic Guidelines for All Volunteers
The following information and guidelines are applicable to all volunteers. All Volunteers must comply with the rules and requirements for volunteering for Sanctuary Hostel. Sanctuary Hostel reserves the right to terminate any volunteer who does not comply with the rules and requirements set forth in this application.
Dress Code: There is no enforced dress code at Sanctuary Hostel with the exception of closed-toe shoes for dog walkers. However, it is suggested that volunteers wear clothes that can get dirty. Sweatshirts are better than sweaters. Closed-toe shoes are required for dog walkers and are recommended for all other volunteers. Dangling jewelry should be avoided.
Proof of Volunteer Activity: If a Volunteer needs a letter stating that he/she has volunteered, the Volunteer must get that when he/she is actively volunteering. No records are kept for later access and it is the Volunteer’s own responsibility to keep a signed record of activity as long as necessary. A letter confirming volunteer activity can be obtained by request.
Volunteer Hold Harmless Agreement – I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for Sanctuary Hostel in my volunteer capacity and I agree to hold Sanctuary Hostel harmless for any injury(s) which I might sustain during the course of my volunteer duties. This waiver does include myself, all of my family members and descendants forever from seeking any legal action whatsoever against Sanctuary Hostel or its representatives.
¡Sanctuary Hostel opera gracias a todos los voluntarios y necesitamos tu ayuda! Estamos buscando voluntarios para ayudar en los siguientes roles:
- Miembro de Junta
- Gerente Desarrollo de Contenido
- Director, Gerente de Relaciones
- Director de Eventos
- Director de Recaudacion de Fondos
- Analista de Marketing Digital
- Marketing de Correo Electronico
- Director de Subsidios
Revisa los detalles de estas vacantes disponibles en VolunteerMatch. Si quieres ayudarnos, pero no ves un puesto apropiado para ti, postúlate, con tus ideas de cómo puedes ayudarnos, nosotros te contactaremos en cuanto tengamos disponibilidad.
Asi mismo, siempre necesitamos apoyo en los medios sociales! Visita nuestro Linktree para subscribirte e interactuar con nosotros en linea sanctuaryhostel

