October 2023 Newsletter

Stray dog rescue recently won some donations. Check out why SanctuaryHostel is a unique model to sustain long-lasting animal support.
8 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe and Calm on the 4th
Reminder Folks!!! More pets end up in animal shelters during and after the 4th of July than any other time of year because fireworks scare the bejeezus out of them. Frightened dogs tend to bolt and run for long distances until they get far away from whatever scared them (usually the noise + flashing lights). […]
To Rescue or Buy: Tips for Getting a Furry Family Member
Ready to Adopt? Interested in becoming a pet parent? Contact a rescue and save a life rather than create demand for animals that we purchase, sell and own. Unfortunately, there are some unethical RESCUES that prey on the emotions of people in order to make a quick buck. They will charge an unreasonable adoption fee […]