To Spay or Not to Spay – How to Decide the Best Option for your dog?

spaying a dog

We crave simple answers. After all, the mind loves certainty. Wouldn’t our lives as pet companions be so much easier if we could answer the question should I spay or neuter my dog with a yes or a no? But spaying a dog is not a simple question.  Life is full of uncertainty. Moreover, there […]

How Will the New US Animal Import Rules Impact You

rules for importing dogs to USA

Travel is part of our everyday lives and that means taking our pets with us wherever we go. As anyone who has travelled with a pet can tell you, the rules for importing dogs to the USA can feel overwhelming. If you get them wrong, your animal might end up in quarantine or worse, in […]

Expert Tips for Dealing with Shy or Fearful Dogs

how to approach a scared dog

If you’re a dog lover, the chances are that you can’t wait to go and pat his or her head when you see one. Unfortunately, depending on their background, they don’t always share our enthusiasm. How to approach a scared dog, perhaps one that comes from an animal rescue, needs patience and finesse.  It’s All […]

How to Resolve Food Aggression in Dogs

Food Aggression in Dogs

Helping the needy feels wonderful, doesn’t it? Bringing home a dog from an animal shelter knowing that you’re giving them a rebirth in life is a beautiful experience. What happens when things get overwhelming and you discover food aggression in dogs? It’s perfectly normal and we’ll guide you through it.  Where Does Food Aggression in […]

Blind Dogs are the Best!

Blind Dog  For Adoption

An old Tunisian proverb says that “there is no blindness but the blindness of the heart”. Losing our actual sight can still be terrifying but with the right support, blind people often “see” more than others. It’s the same for dogs. And opening up our hearts to blind dogs for adoption can so be so […]

A Happy Year for You and Your Dog 

new year's resolutions for your dog

How was last year for you? How successful do you feel it went? Life is hard and there will always be ups and downs but maybe you can add a little spice to the things you can control. What about life with your furry friend? What would they say about last year? Most importantly, what […]

Having Fun Celebrating and Socialising Your Pet

socialise an adult dog

Do you love your furry companion as much as you love yourself? If you’re like most people, you’re probably answering, “Yes, of course!” Then again, how much time do you have with your pet each week? Sometimes, we all need a time out and it’s also good to socialise an adult dog. That’s why we […]